Ethical Hacking Professional

Teja - Description
- Curriculum
Month 1: Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Networking Basics
11. Introduction to ethical hacking: Concepts, scope, and legal considerations
22. Networking fundamentals: OSI model, protocols, and network architecture
33. Information gathering and footprinting techniques
44. Scanning and enumeration: Identifying live hosts and open ports
55. System hacking: Gaining unauthorized access to systems and user accounts
Month 2: Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment
66. Vulnerability assessment: Identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities
77. Exploitation techniques: Exploiting vulnerabilities to gain control
88. Web application security: Common vulnerabilities and secure coding practices
99. Wireless network security: Securing Wi-Fi networks and detecting attacks
1010. Social engineering: Manipulating human behavior to gain access
Month 3: Network Security and Cyber Defense Strategies
1111. Network security mechanisms: Firewalls, intrusion detection, and prevention systems
1212. Cryptography: Principles, encryption algorithms, and digital signatures
1313. Incident response and handling: Identifying, containing, and mitigating cyber threats
1414. Ethical hacking tools: Learning to use popular hacking tools
1515. Final projects and real-world simulations: Applying learned skills in realistic scenarios