Java Developer Masterclass - Certify Java Developer

Teja - Description
- Curriculum
Month 1: Java Fundamentals and Object-Oriented Programming
11. Introduction to Java: History, features, and applications
22. Setting up the development environment: Installing JDK and IDE
33. Java syntax and data types: Variables, operators, and control flow
44. Object-oriented programming (OOP) principles: Classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism
55. Exception handling: Handling errors and exceptions in Java programs
Month 2: Advanced Java Concepts and Application Development
66. File I/O and serialization: Reading and writing data to files
77. Collections framework: Lists, sets, maps, and data manipulation
88. Generics and type safety: Writing reusable and type-safe code
99. Multithreading and concurrency: Managing parallel execution
1010. GUI programming: Building graphical user interfaces using Swing or JavaFX
Month 3: Web Development, Frameworks, and Certification Preparation
1111. Introduction to web development: Servlets, JSP, and MVC architecture
1212. Database connectivity: JDBC and working with relational databases
1313. Introduction to Spring Framework: Dependency injection and Spring Boot
1414. Building RESTful APIs: Using Spring MVC for web services
1515. Certification preparation: Review of course content and practice exams